Energy Management
Provides city facilities managers can easily
monitor and wisely budget their energy usage.
packetPOWER | packetSWITCH | packetMOTION
packetCOUNTER | packetPULSE | packetVOLTAGE
Traffic Management & Planning
Provides warning messages and diversion, thereby
avoiding climate-related conditions and unexpected
events such as accidents and traffic jams.
packetCOUNTER | packetSWITCH
Environmental Monitoring & Agricultural Sensing
Helps reduce air pollution and carbon footprint in the
environment & gathers data on soil moisture and ammonia
levels and help managers monitor their irrigation systems.
packetTEMP+HUM | packetAIR
Water Management
Monitors water facility systems and ensures that
efficient operations are maintained and constituents’
needs are adequately met.
packetWATER | packetLEAK
Weather & Flood Monitoring
Monitors flood-prone areas and forecast events that
may be harmful for the citizens.
packetFLOOD | packetWEATHER